Leaving our quarantine hotel and heading towards Suttons Beach

Finally, today we are allowed to leave our quarantine hotel. After 14 days living at the 15th floor we will be able to walk freely outside. Cédric leaves first to pick up the rental car, hopefully there is enough space for all our luggage! We are surprised by our nice Airbnb location, beautiful gardens with plenty of birds, a fire for the colder evenings and toys/books for the kids. In the afternoon we visit Suttons Beach, not the best beach in the surroundings, but not too far from our Airbnb and safe for kids. We had a good lunch, kids were happy to receive a free ice cream for being nice during their quarantine 😊 from a nice owner who immigrated himself 13 years ago from the UK. Of course the kids enjoyed playing on the beach and in the sea. After being an afternoon outside we feel tired and have a bit of headaches (probably linked to being 14 days inside), and return back with a good feeling to our Airbnb.
